Discover New Opportunities: Recruit in Singapore With Us!

Our recruitment process


The process begins with a consultation with the client, where we discuss their needs and requirements for the position in detail. We establish search criteria, define the required skills and experience of candidates, and discuss timelines and budget for the project.

Search Strategy Development:

Based on the information gathered during the consultation, we develop a search strategy, including identifying target candidate sources, actively searching, utilizing databases, and leveraging social networks.

Candidate Sourcing:

We actively source suitable candidates, conduct preliminary screenings, and assess their alignment with the job requirements. Various methods may be employed, including resume reviews, phone interviews, and skills testing.


We organize interviews with the most suitable candidates to further evaluate their professional and personal qualities and their fit with the client's corporate culture.

Candidate Presentation:

We present our top candidates to the client along with detailed reports on each candidate, including interview results, recommendations, and other pertinent information.

Offer Management:

Upon selection of a candidate, we assist in formalizing the job offer and discuss the terms of the employment contract.

Contract Signing and Onboarding:

After the candidate accepts the offer, we assist in arranging the signing of the employment contract and conduct necessary onboarding procedures.

Receiving the First Payment:

Our partners ensure that the first paycheck for a new employee is paid on time, ensuring a smooth start to their employment and a great start to their new career.

5 Steps for Singapore Residents to Get Bonuses at Work


Getting bonuses at work is not only a great way to increase your income, but also a sign that your hard work and efforts are appreciated by your employer. Singapore residents have plenty of opportunities to receive bonuses at work, and here are five steps to help you achieve that.

Set High Professional Standards

The first step to getting bonuses at work is to set high professional standards. Be dedicated to your job, perform your duties with high quality, and strive to achieve excellent results. Employers value employees who demonstrate excellence in their work and contribute to the company's success.

Show Initiative and Leadership

Showing initiative and leadership at work can lead to bonuses and opportunities for advancement. Offer new ideas, participate in projects and initiatives, help your colleagues, and become a leader in your field. Employers look for employees who can lead and inspire others to achieve high results.

Demonstrate Your Value to the Company

To get bonuses at work, it's important to demonstrate your value to the company. Consider what unique skills and qualities you bring to the organization, and actively demonstrate them in your work. Participate in projects that generate profit or improve the company's efficiency, and strive to achieve the set goals.

Invest in Your Professional Development

Investing in your professional development can be the key to getting bonuses at work. Develop your skills and competencies, participate in training and professional development courses, and aim to obtain new certifications and qualifications. The more you learn, the more valuable you will be to your employer, and the higher your rewards will be.

Don't Be Afraid to Negotiate Salary and Bonuses

Finally, don't hesitate to initiate negotiations about salary and bonuses with your employer. If you believe that your work and contribution to the company deserve additional compensation, don't be afraid to voice your expectations. Prepare for negotiations, justify your requests, and be prepared to compromise to achieve a mutually beneficial solution.

Getting bonuses at work can be a reality for every Singapore resident who is willing to work hard and advance their career. Follow these five steps, and you'll be able to achieve financial success and recognition in your professional life.

5 Key Skills Employers Look for in Candidates

Finding a job can be challenging, but understanding what skills employers value can help you stand out among other candidates and increase your chances of success. Here are five key skills that employers typically look for in candidates:

Communication Skills

Communication plays a vital role in any field of work. Employers value candidates who can communicate clearly and effectively, both orally and in writing. This includes the ability to express thoughts clearly and constructively, as well as to listen and understand others' points of view.

Analytical Abilities

The ability to analyze information, draw conclusions, and make informed decisions is a key skill that many employers value. This includes the ability to assess situations, identify key points, and propose solutions to solve problems.


Teamwork is becoming increasingly important in modern business. Employers look for candidates who can effectively collaborate with other team members, share ideas, solve problems together, and achieve common goals.

Organizational Skills

Well-organized employees are able to effectively manage their time, tasks, and resources. Employers value candidates who can organize their work to be productive and achieve goals within deadlines.


The ability to work independently, without constant supervision and motivation from management, is an important skill. Employers value candidates who can manage their time, remain productive, and achieve results even when no one is watching.


Our benefits

  • Expert Knowledge of Required Skills: Our company possesses expert understanding of the key skills valued by employers. We help candidates develop and improve their skills to be more competitive in the job market.
  • Personalized Approach to Job Search: We offer a personalized approach to each candidate, taking into account their unique skills and needs. This helps us find the most suitable vacancies and maximize candidates' chances of successful employment.
  • Assistance in Achieving Financial Goals: Our experts help residents of Singapore seek opportunities to earn bonuses and rewards at work. We provide advice and strategies to help candidates increase their productivity and chances of receiving additional rewards.
  • Expanded Network of Connections: Our company has a wide network of connections in various industries. We have access to numerous job vacancies and employers, which helps us find suitable candidates and employers more quickly and efficiently.
  • Support at All Stages of Employment: We provide full support to candidates at all stages of employment, from resume preparation and interviews to job offers and ongoing career support. Our goal is to ensure successful and long-term employment for every candidate.

Our services

  • Candidate Search and Selection: We offer services for searching and selecting highly qualified candidates tailored to the needs of our clients. Our team of experts utilizes a wide range of resources and methods to find the best candidates for each vacancy.
  • Career Consulting: We provide individual career consulting for our clients, helping them identify their goals and develop a strategy to achieve them. Our specialists will help you identify your strengths, skills, and interests to find the best career path.
  • Resume and Cover Letter Preparation: We assist our clients in creating professional resumes and cover letters that will attract employers' attention and set them apart from other candidates. Our specialists work on each document considering the industry's specifics and job requirements.
  • Interview Preparation: We offer comprehensive interview preparation, including mock interviews, advice on behavior, and responses to typical questions. Our goal is to help clients feel confident and successfully navigate interviews.
  • Employment and Post-Employment Support: We provide support to our clients at all stages of employment, including salary negotiations and employment terms. After employment, we also offer support in adapting to a new workplace and career development.

Contact us for a full consultation on all matters of interest to you

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We are committed to providing you with high quality services and helping you achieve your career goals. If you have any additional questions or concerns, feel free to contact us.

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